Literacy Supports

CCRCE recognizes that one of the most important things we can do for children is to support them in becoming literate. CCRCE Early Literacy Support provides that extra level of support for identified students that will make the difference for them: a difference that will impact their entire life. We know that Literacy Changes Lives!

Early Literacy Support is a two-tiered program that supports students in grades P-3. ELS runs from September to June in alternating four week sessions, called "Boost" and 12 week sessions, called "Developing Learners".

Boost: Boost is intended for students requiring a "boost" to be brought to the expected independent reading level within their grade level by the end of the four-week session. French Immersion Boost is intended for students requiring a "boost" to be brought to the expected instructional reading level within their grade level by the end of the session.

Developing Learners: Developing Learners is designed for students who need the most help to reach basic literacy levels for their grade.

Accessing Early Literacy Support

Literacy teams at each school select students who would benefit from either of these ELS sessions based on evidence provided from comprehensive assessments gathered at the school.

Students enrolled in ELS participate in daily lessons of 30-45 minutes targeting reading, writing and oral language development through small groups and/or one-on-one instruction. Early Literacy Support lessons are individually designed to meet the needs of each student accessing this support. The daily lessons take place in the classroom or in an alternate setting determined by the school's ELS Team. Students may access more than one session of ELS per year and may access ELS in one or all grades from Primary to 3.

For more information on the Early Literacy Support Program, contact the Education Services Department at 902-897-8993.

Early Literacy Support Team

Emily Fahey
Coordinator of Literacy (P-12)

Candice Cress-James
Coordinator of Literacy Innovation and Special Projects (P-12)

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is a short term, daily, one-on- one intervention program for children in grade 1. The Reading Recovery teachers works with one student at a time for 30 minute lessons every day. The impact of Reading Recovery in Grade 1 lasts throughout life.

Teachers are specially trained to deliver Reading Recovery in their schools with an intense 1 year training period.

Reading Recovery helps children develop the skills of a proficient first-grade reader through a specially trained teacher who individually designs and delivers lessons that build on a child’s strengths. In combination with strong classroom instruction, Reading Recovery helps children become confident readers and writers.

For more information and parent resources please visit:

A detailed brochure about Reading Recovery can be found using the following link:

Have a question about Reading Recovery? Please contact a CCRCE Reading Recovery Team:

Lisa Hoover
Reading Recovery Lead Teacher

Carmen Wyllie
Reading Recovery Teacher Leader

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